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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.
Rules :NO spamming and vulgarities!!! Hi my name is Toh zhi hao.Studying in chua chu kang primary schoolTECK WHYE SECONDARY SCHOOL.Iam 14 years old this year.love My daddy,mummy and sister!!!Cause they rocks my LIFE! :D
i also love playing tabble tennis and i really hate backstabber and betrayer
he wants .
To be 170cm
Have a psp
Get handphone
Promote to sec 2a
Be 175cm tall
Promote to sec 3
Have a basketball

music .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Saturday, June 12, 2010 { 10:05 PM }

Xiong di!!
zhiyang face so funny:)
hi all long time no post liao haha!going talk about the chalet,so fun sia.we meet in lot one for going to the chalet then the edwin so long then come,then after tat we talk the mrt to pasir ris very long sia 23 stops i stand until leg pain haha but fun cause we keep pleing:)reach there we walk around the whole pasir ris mrt station sia like pleing amazing race trying to find the bus to the chalet,finally zhiyang so brave go ask the bus drivewat bus to take,when we waiting for bus zhiwei discover tat the map already have tell us wat bus to take,LOL after reaching the bus stop we could nt find the direction to the chalet!!!finally we walk walk then find liao lol!reach cahlet then saw the girls outside our chalet house mr foo haven come to open the door so we go find the basketball courtto ple basketball so fun.after tat we go back then see the door already open so we go in then mr foo show us our room so small!!!!then we play poker heart attack with mr foo omg lose have punishment.after tat they bbq but we dun feel like eating so we ple poker haha i gt win:)(no money want)after tat we go out watch a little bit tv then go in again LOL.at night the girls ask us want to eat noodle a not we say ok.haha i onli wash five plates onli then we eat eat eat.after tat bla bla bla ple water bomb watch 2 ghost movies then go forr night walk haiz so tired whole night no sleep then morning 4 plus mr foo tell us go girls room slack then slack slack slack then cui yi order mac for everyone but i no order cause stomach pain.at morning we decided to talk faiz car to lot one cause we too lazy to take mrt,sleep in bus:)after go lot one eat then slack then watch karate kid(so nice)then go home sleep sleep till 10 wake up watch world cup:)sian chalet rocks!!!2A Rocks!!!!!xiong di Rocks!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010 { 11:50 PM }

Finally update my blog lol!from last year sep until now no update.dun noe y so lazy to update,but now i update liao haha!now u noe wat baseketball is my life!!!!!!oh yeah and now playing a game called blackshot but a little sian liao.haha today also nothing much happen i just caught a little bit of flu and coughting,haiz so miserable espicially now raining.haha now holiday so relax but a lot homework do sianz!!!kk thats for today nothing to say bb!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009 { 11:10 PM }

finally done my homework!!!so relax!tomorrow is the reopen of school and tat mean end of year exam is coming,so sad.today dont know why so hot feel like going for a swim but i still have not recover from my illness.today i keep coughing until my throat really is very pain the medicine did not cure my coughing really sick and tired of the medicine wish i can recover soon!

Saturday, September 12, 2009 { 10:11 PM }

hi everyone!!i am back for posting,did not felt like posting this few days cause i am sick.omg my temperture yesterday was 38.3!but now i am better after eating the medicine the doctor give,really felt like crying.still have 1 half of my homework not complete yet sian!!!!the time seems like moving very slowly hope it will move faster.

Saturday, August 8, 2009 { 10:43 PM }

Its been a long long time since i have post,so sorry everybody.i been busy this 1 month lots of homework to do.i also have to attend my cca also so tired.its been 8 months since i attend teck whye sec,i really miss my friends in cckps.i am looking forward returning to cckps to meet up with my friend.today is national day and i wish everbody a happy national day!!!
This is the ndp song for 2009!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 { 3:22 AM }

Today nothing to post so just post this new moon trailer.this want is not fan made one,it will be shown in the new moon movie.i am sure going to watch.hope u all like my video!!!bye bye!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009 { 4:00 AM }

The tall and handsome statue
The bad guy!!!!

Today is a very dreadful day!cause today go school for hockey then when i reach school my chest felt uneasy.then i must hold it for 3hr for hockey training.i run up and down up and down then out and down.then when water break after drinking the water let my chest felt more uneasy.i almost vomit!!!arggggg,dont say about negative thing liao,say positive want.yesterday i went to see night at the museum 2 with my friends.the movie very nice lor!!!very funny.then after tat we went to the arcade to play.i pok(no money) liao so never play.then after tat i and my friend go play the free playing of x box.i play basketball with one unknown man,he beat me 19-7,10-5(i think so) and i win him 7-6.then i go home.today nothing to say liao,so bye bye!!